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Dog way too hyper

20 9:49:22

Hi Labman,
My dog is a mutt, but it is very obvious that he has quite a bit of lab in him.  The problem is that he is VERY hyper.  I will play with him for over an hour and 5 mins later he's in my face again.  He also tends to not listen, especially when company comes over; he jumps all over them.  I've already had him in obedience training but whenever he's excited he WILL NOT listen to me.  I am really at a loss on what to do.  Any advice would be great, Thanks!  

Many obedience classes are useless.  Some of the instructors are too, lacking experience with more difficult dogs.  Was your class about the dog sitting to get a treat, or about you learning how to play the role of top dog?  I am not going to try to cover it here.  Start with his dinner.  Tell him sit.  Start to put the pan down.  Every time he gets up, raise the pan again.  If he manages to knock it out of your hand, drag him to the other side of a door and close it.  Clean it up and start again.  If it takes 20 minutes before he stays until you tell him free dog or whatever, it takes 20 minutes.  There have been books written about this.  One of the best is How to be Your Dog's Friend by the Monks of New Skete, see  They raise wimpy Shepherds, but their methods will work on Labs too.

You have neutered him?

He may take strong corrections.  I like to use as gentle
corrections as I can and only where I can't get by with praise.  I start with
a stern "Bad dog!" or a light jerk on the leash.  In stubborn cases, I repeat
the "Bad dog!" right in its face with the dog on its back.  If you are able,
when it misbehaves, throw it on its back, and growl "Bad dog!" right in its
face.  Hold it down until it lifts one back leg to show submission.  If you
can't do that, try the squirt bottle.  Fill it with water and a little vinegar
or lemon juice.  Give it a squirt in the face as soon as it misbehaves.  Dogs
hate that.  The throw it on its back technique was taught to me by a lady.  Quickness is more important then strength.  

For jumping on people, something bad needs to happen every time.  Insist nobody pets him when he jumps up.  Instead one of the most gentle corrections is to grab his paws and hold them.  The traditional knee to the chest or step on the back paws works too.  Whatever, it should also be accompanied by a ''Bad dog! low in volume and tone, the more growl like the better.

With a little effective discipline and some age, he should turn into a nice dog. Many Lab Mixes look a lot like Labs.  I am getting a black, female Lab/Golden puppy 11 December.  I haven't seen her yet, but I expect her to really look like a Lab.  This was a deliberate breeding by a dog guide school.  They are trying to mellow their Labs a little.