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Skin allergies

20 9:34:34

Hi Jen,
I am Amit and have recently adopted a female lab puppy "Saana"Today she is just one month fourteen days old.I am feeding her on Cerelac wheat and Lactogen 1(babyfood)five times a day about 150 ml each feed with luke warm water.As instructed by her breeder I also dewarmed her on her 14th day for three consecutive days and on 33rd day for three consecutive days again.Resently 5 to 6 days back I observed that she has developed some skin irruption on her lower neck,upper chest,beside her ears and on her hind legs and she is smelling foul at the same time.Although she is quite playful and normal but I was worried and contacted her breeder who told me to apply "Candid" ointment thrice daily and "Clavam Bid" syrup dry twice daily.Now although her scars seems relieving but she is still smelling foul.Please advice whether this is natural? What should I do about her smell.

I would take her to the vet and have her look at her.  They should be able to tell if the smell is a food issue or a skin issue.

Unless what you are talking about is the "puppy breath" that dogs have, which tends to smell like skunk, but in a nicer way.