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Hates Bath&trickin

20 9:48:39


i forgot to tell u that my lab hates to have a bath!i watch Animal Planet all the time to get more info.they said Labs adore water..but she doesnt!she whines everytime she took a bath!and the water is pretty warm!why is that?
Something else; first i got my lab at 3 months of age,i taught her in one week(no,sit,come)the next week(go home(crate),go couch,eat,stay )she is very intelligent dog that everybody envy me(without seeing what she does of poopoo&tricks)..but she tries to trick on me everytime i tell her to go home(crate)!she go to her food and pretend that she eats or drink water!as we encourage her to eat!do i have to hit her on the nose as hitting?she also bite her crate(bedding)..its made of wood!!wood is all over the place!!im hitting her on the ass like babies!NO isnt working..coz whenever she does something wrong..she hides in the crate!
im sorry again..thank u so much

You can cut out baths completely.  My old Lab Aster hasn't had a bath since she returned to my care over 2 years ago.  I brush her frequently, mostly with a soft bristle brush, but switch to a wire slicker brush in the seasonal shedding. See this picture,  You also need to keep a dog's ears clean.  I use water with vinegar in it and Q-Tips.  Real infections means a trip to the vet for antibiotics.

If she is chewing a wooden crate, you need to replace it with a plastic one.  The 36'' Vari-Kennel or Pet Porter work very well for adult Labs.  Skip the bedding.  

Quit hitting her.  An ''Ut, ut, ut!'' or ''Bad dog!'' in a quiet voice that sounds like you mean it usually is enough.  Much of what you may be trying to stop is instinctive behavior.  It takes many corrections to teach the dog not to do it when you are around.  Many dogs can't be taught to avoid any behavior when you aren't around.  You must keep them from doing it, usually by leaving them is a crate.  Hitting them does not get the job done.

It is no problem to get most Labs to eat as much or more than they need.  Even the exceptions should eat enough.  Put down what she should eat.  Take up anything she doesn't eat after 15 minutes.  Do not offer her any food or treats until her next scheduled meal.  She should be getting 2 meals a day until 6 months old.  Here is a link to how much she should be fed.  If she is past 4 months, it is better to switch to an adult chow.