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my 9 1/2 year old Dane has arthritis

20 9:01:04

Hi, my beautiful male Great Dane Paris has started limping badly [today ], a little occasionally over the past few months......i noticed today his wrist was swollen, what can i give him to help alleviate the pain, in the past my vet has perscribed metacalm[meloxicam],but i've been reading up on NSAID's and i'm concerned.
What about glucosamine with chrondriotin? Please help!

Glucosamine and Chondroitin are more like supplements to give to help pevent joint pain by helpng strengthen them so I don't know if they would help relieve swelling and pain or not. You could certainly try it unless your dane's food already has them in it,if they are already in the food you could overdose her by giving additional amounts of G and C since you don't know how much is in the food. I would check with your vet or a different one if you want a different opinion...or send this question to a vet expert on the site just to find out if that is ok/how much to give or another alternative.