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My goldens - how do I know they arent together

19 18:00:37

Hi! I have two goldens - a five year old male (Hudson) and a 9 month old
female (Daisy) and I want to breed them but not until Daisy is at least 2 and
past all the tests needed. However lately Hudson has been showing unusual
interest in Daisy - he is constantly licking her ears, and a few times he has
tried to mount her which we have quickly stopped. Thinking she was going
into heat we got her a diaper and pads. However there has been no discharge
in it at all. I left the house and when I came home Daisy's diaper was off (still
attached but off). I am worried that she might be pregnant. Is this possible
even though she hasn't had any signs of heat? I am really worried. How can I
know she is in heat or not? Thanks for any help. If she is pregnant what can I
do to help and prepare her and the house? She is so young so I am worried.
Thanks again.

Some females show very little sign of being in season.  It is possible she already is, but less likely.  The vulva doesn't just swell up one day and start dripping.  The hormones are flowing long before.  He can smell them, and her behavior will be changing.  

Why are you asking me a question like this?  I find it absolutely appalling people people that are thinking of breeding come here and ask basic questions.  Learning how to do it right is not something that would be nice, but an obligation.  OBLIGATION!  Get some books and read them.  Successful Dog Breeding, by Chris Walkowicz, DMV, 1994 would be a good place to start.  

The best thing would be to forget it and get her spayed now.  You won't be filling any needs except your own selfish ones to breed them.  If you don't make a major commitment to educating yourself, you will be a part of the problem.  There is much more to breeding than good hips.  Every day I see questions here from people stuck with a poorly bred and cared for puppy.  I spend hours doing my best to help them.  then I find a question from some would be breeder that hasn't learned the basic biology, let alone anything about the important care of new puppies they need before they go to their new home.