Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Golden Retrievers > my golden puppy has bad skin problems

my golden puppy has bad skin problems

19 17:59:11

so i have had this skin problem with my golden almost since we got him when he was 8 weeks old. he's 7 months old now and he has these red bumps on his stomach, underneath his legs, elbows,chest and underneath his tail. and they form into scabs and they turn almost black and they flake off. but they don't seem to bother him. but theyre all over him.
i barely ever see him bite at them. it just keeps on spreading. and i thought it might be that hes allergic to grass cause its only on his stomach and under his arms but it looks like a staff infection. but nothing that ive tried works. i work at a vet but no one seems to know what it is. my doctor said its probably allergies but it wont go away with antibiotics. and the spray ive been using doesn't work either. and bathing him only works slightly. and sometimes it even makes it worse. so i dont know what to do. i feel really bad that i cant fix it.
also, how much dry food should i feed him at 70 pounds?


Goldens Love Pet Nurse
Hi Laura - I have some good foods you can try your golden kid on!
Also, I am going to suggest a wonderful vitamin supplement to help his Immune system fight off the Allergies.

Ok, here are my suggestions:
Keep in contact with me - update me in 30 days...OK
my e-mail is :

The first thing we need to do is  get the NuVET Plus - Call today and order this.  ** to fight off all the allergens...
It is an Immune System booster to help him "build up" and Fight against what is hitting them...
Also, they give a 60 Day Money Back guarantee!

You will need 2 NuVET Wafers per day... After 30 days, you can go
down to just 1 per day per dog... The one wafer treat per day will cost you .60 cents per dog...( per day)

All Natural and Safe -
This is the Number one Pet Supplement in the USA.

Ask about Auto-ship and get the 15% OFF Discount.

Also, my code for the NuVET is 81098  /  Marie Peppers / Pet Nurse
( they need a name and referral code to sell to the public)

Here is the link-
Guaranteed for 60 days - No risk trial

NEXT - about food : ************************

At your local pet store please find Innova EVO or Wellness CORE -  the two foods are so much better .... No grain ...
YOU are what you eat.... you know?

I would switch  over slowly - mix the Old Food and the new food -  a
50/50 mix for 14 days - then go 100% to the new food.

You will be feeding much Less of the new food because it doesn't have any fillers in it... ( costs more but you feed less and poops will be smaller because there is no junk fillers.)
The directions are on the bag for feeding amounts ....

Just a great grain free food.  He should love the taste, too!

I sure hope this helps you kids!

Thanks for your Question

Marie Peppers LPN MA
The Doggie Chalet Hotel