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Dumb Dog

20 8:46:42

I have a 4 yr old golden that is very smart and well behaved.  I bought another golden at 8weeks that is 6mos old now and is as dumb as dirt.  He will eat everything in sight including tin cans and full grown rose bushes. He can not be trained to stop jumping on people.  I would get rid of him but my twin boys love him.  What am I to do? I cannot afford professional training.

No need to get rid of him, he's trainable.  But you need to be consistant.  Professional training would be best though.

First, spray areas with a "Stay Off" spray, you can get from a local pet store or wal-mart, on areas that you can spray it on. Next, when he jumps up on you, step on his back feet or push him down and grab his nose, make him sit and tell him NO! (to make him sit, hold and pull his collar up and push his butt down, telling him "down" or "sit", and don't let him get up), there again, consistancy, do this EVERY time he jumps on you or someone else.  Make sure he has "butcher's bones" to chew on.  These come with some meat still on them, are good for his teeth and satisfy chewing instinct, remember, he's still a baby.  You can get butcher's bones at wal-mart or any meat dept.  They are very hard and not easily chewed into peices.  if you have anymore questions, feel free to contact me again.,