Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Golden Retrievers > labrador retriever cross

labrador retriever cross

19 18:01:17

i want know roughly how long could my dog live for she will be 5 in DEC 07. is she more prone to cancer than retrievers or has she a less chance of it happening. when does it usually occur. is there anything i can do to prevent it

The more genetically diverse a dog is, the fewer of all kinds of problems.  Feed a decent dry dog chow and little else, and not too much of it.  Obesity is more common and more dangerous than cancer, and 100% preventable, see

Regularly check your dog for lumps and other growths and call them to the attention of your vet.  In many cases, you can leave a slow growing tumor.

Spay her if not already.  That eliminates all chance of many cancers.  

With good care, and no problems, she should live to be 12-15 years old.