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19 18:01:26

Well my Riley, is fun loving, but he never settles down even after running him in the park, he just seems ready to go.  Going after all the stuff that he shouldn't jumping up biting me but not hard just hurts cause of his teeth.  
He never settles down.  I actually have to put him in his crate.  Why is he so unsettled?

Hi Tina.

He is so hyper probably because of his age. He is still a puppy. Am I right? Its rare to find an adult that hyper. Anyway, to calm him down, hold onto his collar when he is jumping, firmly push to the ground so that all his feet(or paws) are on the ground. Do this whenever he jumps. As for the nipping(playful biting), whenever he does this, hold his muzzle closed firmly(careful for the tongue that might get stuck)Then say "NO BITING" in a firm voice. Be consistant.