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getting along

20 8:46:02

How do you introduce a four year old mama dog with her puppy, ten weeks old, to another in tact female six year old golden. All goldensPlan on breeding the six year old.
Is there a good book or website you would recommend starting a golden ret. breeding business. I need many details including set up, expenses and legalities etc.  

Many people set up elaborate meetings on neutral ground, keeping both dogs on leash.  That can't hurt, but may not be effective.  Much of it depends on the 2 dogs drive for dominance. If both of them were the high status female in their litter, you could have trouble.  If either of them was a lower status one, it may be OK.  Count on problems with the 10 week old wanting to play with the 6 year old, and its mother wanting to defend it when the 6 year old tries to discourage it.  

Another big factor is your relationship to the dogs.  The dogs see all the
people and dogs in the household as a pack with each having their own rank in
the pack and a top dog.  Life is much easier if the 2 legged pack members
outrank the 4 legged ones.  You can learn to play the role of top dog by
reading some books or going to a good obedience class. A good obedience class
or book is about you being top dog, not about rewarding standard commands with
a treat. Start at

In addition the the monks book, check the breeding area at  Frankly, there is no crying need for more breeders.  Done right, it is difficult to make money.  Done right, it is just plain difficult.