Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Golden Retrievers > golden retriever may need blood work ;

golden retriever may need blood work ;

19 17:58:02

Hi, i have a five year old male golden retriever. He has been an indoor dog all
his life. He seems to be healthy and happy. However, lately, my mom has
been noticing that he has not been eating his normal dog food, not even his
rawhide or any other treats. He has been very depressed for the past few
days. My mom also noticed that he has been humping his pillows and stuff
animal alot, which has caused major irritation on his scrotum. Since he has
been an indoor dog all his life, i can't take him out for a walk. Once the door
is open, the 100 pound retriever will pull you in all different directions. So
please, i need your advice immediately. thank you so much for your time, and
looking forward to heard from you. = )

__________ Follow-up on retriever ______________
Hi again - Sure - I am glad to help!  Let me know what happens with your kid?
Hope all is well, soon!
Marie Peppers

Hi Rickie - I am not sure about this?  Do you have very warm weather?
Many dogs will eat less when the Sun is out and the temperature is very hot.
As for the other problem with the skin, you can try some corn starch on the area... Just pat some corn starch on his " area " 2 x per day.

Again, I am unsure and you may need to see the VET for some Bood work.

Good Luck

Marie Peppers