Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Golden Retrievers > Running Away

Running Away

19 18:02:41

Hi, i have a 1year old golden retreiver. If we accidently leave the door open, he runs away. He will not respond to any commands. He wont even come back for a treat. I am very scared because we are next to a street that has fast cars.What should i do to stop him from doing this?

P.S> I am sure he is not in heat or is scared of something. I think he just wants to explore or thinks its fun running away.

You need to become more proficient at not letting him through the door.  That ican be difficult with children, elderly, and guests.  the other thing is ''come, treat!''.

With the dog at the end of the leash, call its name and "Come" in a firm
voice. If it comes, praise it lavishly and pet it. If it doesn't come, repeat
the command and give the leash a light snap. Keep it up with firmer leash snaps
until the dog does come. Do not forget the praise.  Then switch to a longer
leash or rope, about 25'.  When it comes well on the longer leash, you should be
able to go to off leash in a fenced area, etc. Once the dog is doing well, introduce come, treat. This is for emergencies only when the dog has gotten loose accidentally. Use it routinely and you will have nothing to fall back on when your dog is headed for a busy street. "Name, come treat!" is little different from the
regular "Name, come!", except the dog gets a great treat when it comes. We are talking a hot dog, cheese, etc. much better than any treat you use routinely.