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Golden wont retrieve!

19 18:02:53

Sounds rather silly if you ask me... A Golden Retriever that won't retrieve.  We have a 9 wk old puppy.  We've had her for 3 weeks now and she simply could care less about a thrown ball or toy.  

Is this normal?  Perhaps something she'll develop in time?  We have 3 boys that would love to play fetch with her.  Now if only she would play!

No, it is not normal.  Usually the puppy will at least run and pounce on the ball or toy.  It is more likely to entice you into chasing it and fighting you for it, than bringing it back and giving it too you.  As you work on obedience training and it masters come and give, it will learn fetch is how you play.  

Wave the ball in front of the puppy's face.  If her eyes don't track it, she could have a vision problem.  Also not how she reacts to other than loud noises behind her.  If she doesn't turn around to look she could have a hearing problem.  It would be best to have a vet repeat the tests.  9 weeks ar in for shots what seems to be weekly.  Discuss this with the vet next visit.