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Golden Retriever Not Being Social

19 18:00:00

QUESTION: I have a 3 year old girl golden named Shelby.  My daughter recently got a miniature datson and every time she brings her dog over to the house my golden won't have a thing to do with the puppy.  If I hold the dog and go sit down where she is laying down she will get up and go somewhere else.  What do we do?  We have let her sniff the puppy but nothing has helped.  Thanks.

ANSWER: It isn't unusual for an older dog not to want anything to do with a puppy, its sharp little teeth and biting games.  Just work at teaching the puppy that the older dog is just one more thing to leave alone.  Accidents and damaged possessions are the fault of whoever was watching the puppy.  When you are watching it, immediately correct it as soon as it goes for anything except its own toys.  In a quiet, but firm voice give it an ''Ah, ah, ah!''.  Gently remove what ever and replace it with one of her toys, or if older, hold eye contact until the puppy drops it.

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QUESTION: But my dog (golden retriever) is not really that old.  Why is she acting this way?  Is it just being jealous?  She is friendly around people but just not this dog.

ANSWER: At 3 years old, she is mature.  While it varies, partly on how much experience they have with puppies, many dogs don't want to play with puppies by that age.  I am keeping my friend's 6 year old Lab for a few days.  He quickly lost interest in playing with my 7 month old.  I am keeping her away from him.

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QUESTION: Thank you so much for responding so quickly to my questions.  I really appreciate the help.  Do you think it would help my golden if we got another golden for her to have around?  I was thinking of a rescue golden.  I was just wondering if this would help out with her being so stand offish and acting jealous.  Also, one other question about my golden, she has this habit of walking by my couch and rubbing herself on it.  She has made my couch look awlful and of course I tell her not to do it everytime.  Is there anything I can do to make her quit as right now it looks like I need a new couch because of her.  Thanks.

I don't think another dog is the answer.  She is mature now and perhaps set in her ways.  

She may be itching.  Our old Lab continually pushes the ottomans out of place rubbing her ears on them.  Feed a decent chow and as little else as possible, seldom if ever bathe the dog, and brush it daily with a soft bristled brush.  You might add a teaspoon a day of liquid cooking oil to its food.  

Avoid overweight.  It can cause skin problems too.  Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest.
You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them.  Each dog is
different.  Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog
must have its food adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,  If she still seems to be scratching herself on the couch, talk to the vet.