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Science Fair and Dogs

19 18:00:20

What are Golden Retrievers Favorite kind of toys? I cant find anything on the enternet.Please help

That is kind of a tough question and may not have a sure answer.  As you found, there is little in the way of authoritative information on this.  My answer will be based on my experience, and will be colored accordingly.  While I see enough Goldens to think I can give a good answer, I see many more Labs.  The program I am in forbids many common toys such as rawhides, squeaky toys, stuffed toys, ropes, etc. as unsafe.  They don't want their puppies choking to death.  I see more of puppies than adults.  When my friend was training with her last dog guide, the class was told flat out, if it isn't a Nylabone or a Kong, don't let your dog have it.  

The one thing most puppies will ignore everything else to chew?  Another puppy.  After that, may come balls, especially a tennis ball.  The forbidden ropes and squeaky toys are favorites too.  Among the safer things, I find the puppies love a ring, either the round Nylabone ones, or the squared off Rex Bite-A-Bone Tug Rings.  If you can find them, the Nylabone Dinosaurs go well.  I am not sure if it is their shape, or the nubby texture.  I find puppies prefer the rough surface of a chewed toy to smooth new ones.  Anther attractive toy is a Nylabone with one end jammed into the hole of a Kong.  

I would like to urge caution when searching the net for info on dogs.  Much of what is out there on care and training is nonsense, some of it even dangerous.  Try to see who is behind any website you look at.  Don't accept something just because somebody claims they are a veterinarian.  I put more trust in and tan many other sites.  I have found mostly good info at