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Our Golden, Kayla

19 17:58:50

Kayla is our 2 year old golden who has had skin issues since we first bought her. She has been on antibiotics, ointments, special shampoos, special food, and now I am getting worried...under her arms it is now black...what could this be? I am sure I need to call the vet, but needed some advise as to what someone else thought. Thanks in advance, Beth

skin issues in golden; special shampoos for canine skin:

Hi Beth and Kayla,  
Yes, I can help after you see the vet for a skin scrape.  I am thinking it is just some pigmentation but better to be safe and see the vet.
I would love to help you with a food change and supplements, too.
We can even add a few helpful oils to her diet.

BEST wishes!

Let me know what the vet says....
Talk to you soon

Marie Peppers LPN MA