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Goldens--age they stop growing

20 8:45:57

Hi. My golden will be a year old on Easter Sunday. I was wondering what the typical age that they stop growing usually is? Is it around 2 years old? She is about 60-65 pounds right now. Any idea how much bigger she will get? Thanks.

She should have virtually all her adult height now.  She really isn't much bigger now than a few months ago?  Most dogs have much of their adult size at 7 months.  I just saw an exception this morning.  My friend's year old Lab/Golden cross is much bigger than the last time I saw her late last year.  They do fill out in their second year even if you maintain good weight.  Unless she is overweight now, she should have an oval profile.  A year from now, she will be much more of a round profile and broader chest without gaining any weight.  

Most Goldens love to eat, and without discipline on the owner's part will shorten their active life by over eating.  Here is a link to a great illustrated guide on maintaining proper body condition,  If she is over weight, cut back on her food a little.  If you didn't switch her to adult chow yet, go ahead and start mixing some in when you get low on puppy chow.  An early switch to adult chow slows growth and allows larger breeds to develop stronger joints.