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proper weight for my Golden Retriever

20 8:46:33

Dear Katie,

   I really like this site, and have used it before. I was wondering if perhaps you could shed some light concerning my dog's health. We are "owned" as you say, by a 2 year old Golden Retriever named Denver. This week we took him in for his yearly shots. After he finally settled down, they weighed him and he weighed in at a whopping 94 pounds. He is larger than any Golden I have ever seen. The vet says that he is perfectly healthy, and that he is just a really big dog. Have you run across any Goldens being this big, and is he overweight in your opinion? I realize that you have not seen him, but could you give me an educated guess?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Glenn Black

hi there:  If your vet feels he's ok, then he probably is. 94# is quite large for a golden. It might not be a bad idea to cut down on some of his food and increase some exercise.I have a golden that weights in at 90# and he's fine, but he's tall too. If he is round by his ribs and waist, then maybe cutting down his food intake wouldn't hurt.  Goldens that are too heavy, have a tendency to have problems with their hips. Get him down to about 85-90#.  good luck