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Black Golden Retriever and Allergies

19 17:56:57

I am in general allergic to cats and some dogs. Recently we got a small black
golden retriever from a friend and we are thinking of keeping it but i am
afraid of my allergy.
Having the puppy for 2 days now i see no symptoms but I read that this is
usual for retriever puppies and that later on when he skin produces more
dund it will bring my allergy out.
Can you tell me what is really the case and what I should expect?

Thank you

I have never heard anything specific on most breeds and allergies.  Poodles, Schnauzers, and other breeds with more of a fur than hair are known for their lack of dander and causing allergy problems.  

Puppies shed less and perhaps are less of an allergy problem.  That fits in with people being OK with the dog at first and later having allergy problems.  

It is possible good care makes the difference between dogs you can tolerate and ones you can't.  You might keep the puppy and make sure it gets brushed every day.  Brushing is more effective in keeping down dander than baths.  Even with careful rinsing and conditioners, baths tend to dry the skin and lead to more dander.  It may be best to have somebody else take the dog outside to brush it.  

Golden retrievers come in various shades of gold including a reddish one but not black.  Crossed with a Lab, they usually have have the shorter coat.  Black Newfoundlands, Flat Coated retrievers, and Cocker Spaniels have the same long, curly coat, and are often black.  It could be one of them or a Golden cross.  You could try one of the places that does DNA testing,  or