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4 mo. old Golden Retriever Aggression

19 18:01:30

Hi Mr. Dog Expert,

I'm really concerned about my Golden puppy. His dominance aggression (or what I perceive to be) began to show at about 10 weeks. I saw small things like him charging full force at me when playing fetch, getting frustrated and not wanting to share his toy we were using to fetch with. He would tug at my clothes and tear them when he wanted attention and would constantly mount my leg. He doesn't do these things to my husband and I know mounting is usually to express dominance, not sexual. He's trying to move his way up in status in "the pack"?

Now he's become more aggressive and it's getting scary. When we've tried to pick him up recently he growls and snaps on occasion. I tried using treats to help this. Kind of worked. But then no treats and he bit my husband. Broke the skin and there was a good amount of blood. Today he had something in his mouth that I needed to get out, he locked up his jaw, we couldn't unlock it and he began to growl and then snapped!

We've been to puppy kindergarten, he's really smart but this is getting scary. I've had 3 Goldens prior to this one, so I've had experience on what to expect. This is new! Help!!!!
Thank you.

You're not alone Aubrey. My dog did that when he was 10 weeks old too. From now on, if he shows any signs of aggression or dominance, firmly push him on his side on the floor (not tackle!!) then lightly put your body wait on him. (not all of it, make sure he can breath and isn't under immense pressure or pain). Then look into his eyes and growl at him.(You don't HAVE to growl, it just gets the point accross) Hold his muzzle to the ground until he doesn't struggle to get away or is calm. Then let him go and you should walk away.