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Gun Shy Puppy

20 8:46:30

This puppy is 8 months old. She is a German Wirehaired Pointer. When she was about 5 months old a thunderstorm came by with heavy lightning and thunder. This sudden thunder scared her to no end.

Now she is scared of all noises. When hunters are in the local woods she hides anywhere she can.She is a bundle of nerves until it is quiet again.

Any simple cure for this terrible condition?


No.  This can be a problem.  Puppies need to be carefully exposed to increasing noise levels.  There are certain ages where taking fears are worse than others.  The problem is worse if exposed to any people frightened by the noise.  It is hard to hide your emotions from a dog.  

Start with some tapes of storms or guns.  Maybe the evening news will do.  Play them at higher and higher volumes letting her adjust to them.  Stay calm and happy yourself, and no ''Poor little doggie, it is OK.''  Comforting her only rewards her for her fear and reinforces it.  If you can locate a firing range or trap shoot pit, try starting where you can hardly hear it and slowly walk closer. Keep talking to her in a happy confident tone of voice, praising her when she remains calm.  

It is interesting, LABman's first question in Goldens is about a German Wirehaired Pointer.  I signed up in several new areas recently.  Someone asked Labman why he wasn't signed up under Labs.  When I first signed up on All Experts, I signed up in the general dogs category and let it go.  I got to looking, and there was nobody under Labs or several other breeds.  I also was disappointed with some of the people signed up for some of the breeds.  

The service dog schools have a wealth of information about dogs, but it hasn't reached the mainstream yet.  I see much of the best ideas of the 50's in many answers yet.  Good luck with your pup.  

Note, the service dog school have found fewer problems with joint problems by an early switch to an adult chow.  If you are still feeding a puppy chow, make your next bag adult chow.  That slows growth and allows sturdier joint to develop.  The final size is just as large.