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3 month old puppy sore throat

19 17:57:40

Hi! I have an important question. Since 1 month I live in Oaxaca, Mexico and bought a 2,5 month old golden retriever puppy. I only have 2 problems; we let her sleep outside because we don't get any rest, it's surrounded by walls so she can't leave, but it doesn't have a roof, so it gets around 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Since she sleeps outside she has stopped barking, but her breathing sounds weird, like she has a sore throat or like there's something wrong with her lungs.. Could this have something to do with the cold? My second question is; she keeps trying to bite us, in a playful way, how do we teach her not the do that anymore?

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Hi - If you have a local vet, please take her in.  She may need some cough meds or even a antibiotic.  Also, at night, please place her in a doggie crate with blanket.  

Here is a site for teaching bite inhibition - Why does my puppy bite me?

Best wishes with the new pup!

Marie Peppers