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Swallowed a sock

20 8:46:05

My 7 month of golden swallowed a small anklet sock this morning. My friends told me to put vaseline on her paws so she would lick it off to serve as a lubricant and then watch her stools for the next 48 hours. If she doesn't have a bowel movement, then take her to the vet? Is this what I should do? Any advice?

No, absolutely not.  It is plenty slimy in the intestinal tract without the Vaseline.  It turn, I am afraid it would act as a laxative causing big problems if the sock does get hung up.  

If it is small enough, she may pass it OK.  It might be best to get her to a vet in the morning if you can.  If the sock must be removed, it may be easier to fish it out while it is still in the stomach.  If it hangs up farther down, seriously surgery.  

Goldens are prone to that sort of things.  I had a front seat where I could see the X-rays while a vet gave a talk on such problems last summer.