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puppy shedding

20 8:46:38

I adopted what looks to be a golden retriever from my local animal shelter.He is estimated to be about 15 months old.Right now, his fur is falling out like crazy and darker, thinner adult hair seems to be coming in. He looks really weird,
and I could get brushes full of hair 24/7 if I kept brushing him. My question is, Is this normal?And if so, what can I do to make the process go faster?Thank you for any help.

Well this is normal at any age this time of year.  Best to just keep brushing him.  With mixed breeds it's so hard to tell why they shed so much.  If he has any husky in him, that could be the fur. They shed like NUTS! A good groomer would be able to get a lot of this out.  you can also go to a pet supply and get an "Undercoat Rake". But use care brushing him with it. If you press down too hard you can scratch his skin.  This comb will get a lot of that hair out.  good luck. katie