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Hyperactivity (Golden)

19 18:02:11

We recently acquired a 1.5 year old male Golden Retriever.  He is absolutely HYPER!  He is completely crate trained and we have no problem getting him to go to bed in his crate, or putting him in there when we're gone (which isn't a lot -- I'm a stay-at-home mom).  We have two cats and three little boys, so he certainly gets his share of amusement and excersize, but when we're not giving him 100% attention, he races from room to room picking up everything he can find and either shreds it or drags out and leaves it until he's on to his next object.  He IS a very good dog otherwise, sits on command, is polite when the family is eating, and is, of course, great with kids.  But how do I get him to slow down and knock it off!!?   Thank you!!!!

he is still a puppy and goldens stay puppies till they r like 4. also he is a male and they r more energetic than females. u should get him something to stimulate his mind when u can`t pay attention to him. u need some to give him something to play with that will take up his time. like a kong ball, or something else that he will have to use mental energy.          ~madison~