Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Golden Retrievers > Exersize


19 18:01:38

Hi, i'm Emily Grasswild.
My Golden retriever died 2 weeks ago.
In her first years i took her out for a walk for about
1 hour a day. Then it gradually stopped and i only took her for 30 mins 4 times a week.
I don't want to make the same mistake with my next goldie so can you tell me what is the LEAST i should take my goldie out for everyday????


P.S Do male goldies need more exercize?  

Hi Emily,

I very sorry for the death of your dog. It depends if they need more exercise. Usually it is recommended to take your dog for a 30min walk everyday, jog would be better. I think that would be enough if he/she is active in the house(as in walking around and playing with you and bones or toys)