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untrained dog

19 17:56:56

we just got a 6 year old golden retriever. it has been about a week now and she has only urinated in our yard once. if we take her to a anyone elses house she goes #1 and #2 right when she gets to the grass. i brought over feces from the other yards and threw it in our yard. she just smells it and then walks on it. she has gone in the house almost everyday in the past week. please help i like her i don't want to get rid of her.

I am not sure what is going on.  That makes it harder to correct the problem.  Do you know if her previous owners took her for walks to relieve herself?  She may be avoiding fouling her own yard, and then being forced to foul the house because she failed to do so outside.  Take her out on leash.  Walk around in the part of your yard you want her to use.  They can only walk and hold it so long.  When it finally has to go, lavish praise on it.  You may need to walk quite a bit at first until she gets the idea.  

If after a few days of that, she isn't doing better, send a follow up and I will try something else.