Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Golden Retrievers > Mating


19 18:02:25

We are attempting to breed two golden retrievers....    A five year old male (first time) and a two year old female (first time)

The male and female have been together in our garage for 3 hours and the Male is not attempting to mount the female at all.   He is constantly sniffing and licking the vaginal area but not trying to mount at all.  

The female is in heat and seems to be cooperative...


Maybe it would be best to leave it go until her next heat cycle in 6 months.  That would give you plenty of time to do some of the research you should have done.  Start with  Pick up a good book and read it such as Successful Dog Breeding, by Chris Walkowicz, DMV.  How much work have you done? Are they both OFA certified?  Have other breedings of their lines produced quality dogs?  In what ways are the 2 dogs outstanding?