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Propriocephire Loss

20 8:46:37

My 13 year old female golden was diagnosed with Propriocephire Loss and I tried to look it up, but couldn't find it anywhere.  Can you help? Maybe it is spelled wrong, but this is what the assistant wrote down.  It has to do with nervous system degeneration.
Thanks, Nancy

Nancy:  This very well could be age related, but did your vet do a physical?  Did he determine the source of the blockage? I would make sure, because my vet said that it can, most of the time, be treated with meds.  I have a golden that is almost 13 as well.  She is slowing down, doesn't eat much, is getting way fat, sleeps all day. Golden's life span is usually 10-12 years.  If you have a golden that lives longer than 12 years, God Bless You! You've done a great job.  So, if she is still an active dog, then I'd have the vet do some tests to find the source and see if you couldn't treat it with meds.  Thanks for the nice comments :)  Have a Great Summer!