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retrieve newspaper

20 8:46:41

Hi Katie;
I have a golden retriever that will do everything except bring home the paper.  He will sit, stay, fall dead on bang, heel, shake, back up, and bark when I say "Osama".  He won't have anything to do with the paper.  Our last Golden would do everything except "osama" because he had no idea who Osama was.  He would go get the paper and bring it back and was undeterred by distractions, such as other dogs barking and rabbits.  Ozark, will  have none of the daily news.  Do you think he saw Skyler do it and decided "not in this lifetime"?   Skyler was taken to the paper 3 times and then was ok to go after it on his own.  Ozark will not pick it up and if put in his mouth he promptly drops it.  This is with or withour the wrapper.  I am at my wits end,  the paper is dropped off at the end of the driveway, and that is 1/4 mile away.  What would you suggest?
I'm getting tired
Jerry and Ozark  

purchase another golden that will lol~  just kidding.  this is very funny.  Ozark might have seen the other dog do this and did think "not in this lifetime", however, he might just not like the feel of the paper in his mouth.  You might try rubbing some tasty meat juice on the plastic, however, once he notices that it's not on all the papers from then on, he might just not do it. another thing you can try is taking him down to get the paper. Put it in his mouth and when he drops it, put it back in there, keep doing this until he holds the paper in his mouth for a period.  then show him a treat and give it to him.  then pick up your paper and go home.  the next day, or even up the road a bit, give him the paper back and make him keep it in his mouth, make him walk a bit with it in there, if he drops it, make him put it back in his mouth and walk a ways.  when he walks a bit, make him give it to you and give him another treat.  do this a bit at a time until he can walk with it all the way home, make sure you give him a treat though ONLY when he does what it is you want him to do.  Sometimes this may only take a few days. good luck.