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Are Golden Retrievers good pets for kids?

20 8:46:43

Are golden retrievers good pets for children 1, 3, and 5 yrs old? I am seeking a first pet for my children who are those ages. I want a puppy that will grow to a medium to large size but knows how to be gentle with children. Is there a big difference in temperament between the genders?

Females are the best temperment, although, males are too, but very busy and robust the first year or so. Both are protective to a certain extent.  You wouldn't be wrong to get one for your children at that age, that's when we started.  I had a 2 and 6 year old at the time.  Get her spade as soon as the vet says it's ok and let the kids play with her all the time.  We had one golden that when my son would practice his golf, he'd hit the ball into the field and Tippy would run after it and circle around until she found it and bring it back to him.  They did this for HOURS!  I'd certainly recommend a golden puppy for your children over any other dog, even a lab.  good luck