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Puppies barking

19 17:59:56

We have two 5 month old golden retriever puppies who are driving us mad with their early morning barking.  They wake us up every morning between 6am and 7am.  We can't ignore them as we have neighbours and they have already made a comment.  When we go down they stop and we let them out and they get fed.  How can we stop the barking and wake up when we want to??

Also, at what age can a puppy hold it's bladder all night?  Our pups sleep in the kitchen with paper down and they always wee in the night.  Surely they should be able to wait now??  

Please don't recommend a crate as we have 2 puppies and surely a crate can't be the only solution!!


We have limited success with the same problem with our one older dog.  No matter what, she doesn't get fed until after the alarm would have gone off.  One of us does drag our selves out of bed and goes down and tells her ''Bad dog, down, stay''.  Usually we then nap on the sofa, ready to repeat as needed.

I don't think we have ever had a puppy that wasn't making it over night well before 3 months.  Five month old ones should easily make if they are kept inactive.  If they have access to water and each other, they will be too active to make it through the night.  The only real alternative to limiting activity other than crates would be tie downs, just a short length of chain with a snap on the end.