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No heat for 10 month old female, mange, unknown family history, breeding and when to spay...

19 17:58:10

I have several questions so please have patience with me!
We have had dogs for years but this is my first golden. Lola is 10 months old and absolutely lovely, if a bit difficult to control when we walk!
Firstly, I am a little concerned that at 10 months she still has not had her first heat cycle. Is this normal?
Secondly, we adopted a puppy who needed a home without knowing anything about her family history (I know this is a terrible way to find a puppy but we fell in love with her!). As a result, I am concerned about problems such as hip dysplasia. Is there anything I can do to help her should she be affected by it?
Thirdly, when we found her, she had a case of sycoptic mange. After an injection and medicated baths, this cleared up, however is it likely to come back and is there anything I can do to prevent it coming back? I don't want to use too many medicated products on her as she does have sensitive skin.
Finally, my fiance has the crazy idea of breeding her in his head. Don't get me wrong, she is a great dog, but given we know so little about her history and we have no breeding experience, I feel that this would be a stupidly irresponsible thing to do, however cute the puppies may be. We are at loggerheads on this point. When would be the best time to spay her?
Many thanks,

____________  Hi Nikki __________ How is your girl's health?
How is she doing now?  Anymore problems?
I am here if you need help...
Marie Peppers LPN MA

Hi Nikki - Well, she will be in her heat soon 9 mos to 12 mos...
After the first full heat please spay her.  You don't know her background, unless you want to pay for the genetic testing.
As for her health - yes, there are a few things you can do ...

Give here some Olive oil, 1 tablespoon daily in her food.
Also, 1 of the 500 mg Ester C vitamins will be very helpful...
Please make sure you are feeding a good food without too many corns ... Corn and lots of rice will make Goldens overweigth.

Good Luck with all!

Marie Peppers LPN MA