Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Golden Retrievers > dogs home alone

dogs home alone

19 17:59:22

AT what age is it okay to  start leaving your dog home alone?  Even without a crate as well?

(my goldeny - 9months)

Hi Wendy - Leaving home alone depends on your dog.  It is not always the age but the "trust" issue.  I would suggest you leave your baby out for 2 hrs and then come back home.  See how your Golden did when you were out....
Next time, try 3 hours and then 4 hours out and about the house.
Work your way up to a full day -  9 months old may be pushing it.

You can just do a little test, like I mentioned above, and see how it goes.

BEST wishes..!!!

Marie Peppers

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