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puppy walking

19 18:00:38

I have one more question about my puppy. I have been having some problems when walking our dog. She tends to just stop and not want to go anywhere. I can wait 30 seconds for her and she will still just stand there or sit. A trainer told me to get a "loopie" but that hasn't really helped. I don't want to drag her around but I need her to come with me, even if it is slowly. Thanks

That is a common problem.  A loopie?  Is that a head collar with the loop that goes around the dog's nose?  They are a great tool for dogs that pull, but not ones that lag.  

Usually just getting out in front and coaxing the puppy works, calling and slapping your things.  If no go, drop back and and run past in baby steps calling ''Go, go, go!'' in a happy excited voice.  I hate doing that inside somewhere such as Wal-Mart, but it works.