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Golden Retreiver 10yrs Old

19 17:59:49

My Golden has recently developed an aggressive behavior problem with one of our other dogs that she has been around for 3 years.  He was a puppy when we got him (english bulldog).  They have never faught before until now.  Our Golden is a survior of Parvo the parvo was so sever that it studded her growth so she is not the normal size of a Golden.  Now when she makes eye contact with the other dog she growls and begins to fight him.  We also have two other dogs but she doesn't fight with them.  It's really troubling because she has always been the sweetest dog and never acted this way before. She has also began to get aggressive with us on ocassion.  Please help with any answers...... We were told that due to the Parvo her life expectancy would be short and possible changes in older age.  She began showing aging at around 6 years with her face turning white with gray.  Is this normal?  

I think graying at 6 years is early.  It is possible arthritis has set in.  The Bull dog may be hurting him when he attempts the usual play.  I would have the vet examine him looking for arthritis or other problems.   You may have to train the Bull dog to leave him alone.   

If the vet says he is OK, get back with me and I will see what I can do.