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20 8:46:45

My 8 week old Golden Retriever doesn't like to walk on the leash.  She walks a few feet and then sits down.  The sidewalk is not too hot for her, nor have we walked far.  Any ideas?  I can not reward her with treats.  Thanks, Shirley

This is very normal.  Does she pull on the leash too?  Taking her to "puppy kindergarten" is the best thing for you.  But what you can do in the mean time is Pull her and when she comes to you, praise her with lots of attention if you don't want to give her treats.  I don't understand why you cannot give her treats, but maybe dog kibbles instead. (what you normally feed her).  This will help.  she just isn't used to the leash thing and wants to be defiant.  pull her and treat her, pull her and treat her, pull her and treat her.  try that.  good luck.