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2 yr golden male

19 17:57:36

My male golden has had stomach problems for well over a year. He gets very loose stool (runny) on and off at least once a week and it lasts a few days. His breath is very bad and has some rear tooth plaque that I can't clear up with brushing. When he was one he ate a lava rock and needed surgery to remove. The vet stiched his stomach at the time of surgery to prevent rolling over. I feed him large breed Eucanubba brand food.Should I change him to another food or give him something to help his stomach ?

Hi Lou, I wonder if he has some parasites?  You can't always see them in the stool.
Have the vet check and do a stool sample.
I can give you a home-cooked diet and some supplements for this boy.
Just think he may need to see the Vet first.

Good luck - LET me know if you want the recipes?

Marie Peppers LPN MA