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dogs and cats

19 18:02:00

Thanks I am searching for a trainer. I will call petsmart. Do you think spaying her would help? I actually planned on breeding her once or twice first. But first things first. I need to get her under control. Thanks.
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Thanks. The other night the dog attacked my cat for no reason. She got up to go to the litter box and the dog just attacked. So this time there was no reason. It also led to me having to put down the cat because of the injuries. She is basically a good dog, hyper but good. Not trained much though. So I really need to find away to get her to stop. I have another cat to think about. Please give me any suggestions you have. Thanks.
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Hi. I have a 2 year old golden retriever. Tori is a hyper dog that doesn't listen much. She has recently gotten more aggressive towards our cats. Last night she sent our oldest cat to the vet with a broken jaw and leg. I need help making her stop this. Can you give me some suggestions other than getting rid of her or the cats? Thanks.
Hi Cathy,

First, you need to supervise the dog with cats until the problem goes away. You should see what the problem really is. Is the dog causing the problem or the cat? Then you'll need to work on it from there. Give me some more details about this, then I could help you out more.
hmmmm...ok, it seems that your dog is misunderstanding your cat, so its reacting in a defensive manner. (thats atleast what i can observe). Is your dog spayed?? She might be feeling territorial. This is very hard to answer because you really have to understand what the dog is thinking(cause and effect). So i suggest that you see a professional trainer about this. Petsmart and Petco should have trainers. I know Petsmart does. But until then, for the safety of your cat, keep them seperated as much as possible. Dont let them get too close and if your dog does start something, knock him to the ground(not too hard, just firmly, like a tackle) and almost lay on him and say "NO, DONT DO THAT!"(Dont shout or yell, just say it firmly.) Once he calms down, release him and take one of the pets away for a while. Well, hope this helps. Please comment.

Answer not sure if the territorial behavior goes away in females when spayed but i know it does in males. If your going to breed, i want to warn you that it is expensive and requires tons of time and work. Especially with this kind of aggresive behavior. And imagine if no one will buy the puppies. If your going to breed once or twice just for the kids or for fun, i strongly suggest you dont. Of course, this is just a suggestion, I dont want to interfere in your personal matters.