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hair falling

20 8:46:04

we have a lovely two yr old male and he sheds lots of hair all through the is typical indian  climate.

All Goldens shed.  You can reduce it by feeding a good diet and brushing regularly.  Providing a good diet is easy here with a wide variety of commercial chows most dog will thrive on.  They are tested by  the AAFCO, most dog will thrive on most of them.  

Goldens love attention and should enjoy a good brushing session every day.  A slicker style brush should remove most of the loose hair.  They have many wire teeth.  I will post a link to a picture.  I has my yellow Lab, a slicker brush, and the big pile of hair I brushed out of her in about 10 minutes.

Bathe the dog as little as possible too.  Daily brushings should keep most of the odor down.  You may want to use a soft bristle brush where the fur is matted or has burrs in it.