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Crate and playing with other dogs

19 17:59:41

I recently adopted a 3 month old golden puppy. My dad also has a 3yr old dog that is a mix of Lab/Pitbull and has always been a pretty good dog. When the golden puppy arrived, he was also fine until he went outside to play. Now both of them practically mess up the yard in the back and I'm contemplating keeping the golden puppy in its crate and letting him out for feedings and relieving himself only. My only problem is, the older dog roams around the yard freely and the golden can see him from its crate (the crate is kept outside because my dad doesn't want him inside the house too much). What can I do to make the situation better? Do I let the puppy roam free as well with the adult dog or do I put him in his crate?

I wish you gave me more details on messing up the yard. Do you mean digging holes, beating the grass down, chewing everything, etc., that is normal and you must expect it if you are going to have a young dog.  

I don't like keeping a Golden outside in a crate.  Typically, they crave attention.  they need to be with you.  I wouldn't be surprised if it became a problem from its barking.