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how can I stop the fighting?


My cat is nearly 6 years old, and I understand cats are very territorial, but there is this stray that comes in our garden, and Jess is fighting it. Can I stop the fighting some how, please tell me if you do know how.

As far as i know their is no way you can stop cats from fighting. Thats what they do. Is your cat neutered? If not this may help as it reduces their desire to get into fights, but if the other cat chooses to fight then your cat may only be defending themselves.

You could try skirting the other cat with water when they come into your garden this may help to deter them from your property.

Most neutered cats will not want to fight badly as they have no need too, it may just be a quick scrap which often sounds worse than it is. My sisters cat was a terrible fighter before his op now he has calmed right down.

Here is my web page about cat aggression for your information.

Best wishes