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stray kittens and mama


My mom discovered that a cat in the neighborhood had 5 kittens in the crawl space under her house. We fed mama cat today as she was starving, the kittens ate the kibble we set out for them and one even let us hold it. What is the best thing to do for these kittens and mama? We are thinking of keeping the mama. Thank you


If the kittens are eating cat kibble then they are, obviously weaned.  Do you have an estimate of their age?

Since the kittens are weaned, I would have the mama spayed as she can come into heat again and be bred.  This can occur when the kittens are 4-6 weeks of age and she could get pregnant again.

Kittens do better if they go to their new homes at at least 10 weeks of age.

Please let me know if you have any more questions.

Best regards... Norm.