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it is normal for a cat to have dandruff on its lower back?


Not really.  When a cat has a noticeable amount of dandruff, it's usually because he's not grooming enough.  That's especially common in fat kitties who can't reach their backs to clean.  Same with cats suffering from some arthritis.

You can help keep the kitty clean by brushing him daily.  A slicker brush is ideal for this.  They help rake out dead fur, dandruff, and distribute oil throughout the coat.  Slicker brushes have hundreds of little hooked wire teeth and are available at pet stores.  You might even consider using a powder shampoo from time to time, which helps remove dirt and oil.  You dust it onto the coat and then brush it out.

There are some conditions that can cause a a greasy coat and dandruff, such as high thyroid.  Really any condition, including diabetes and kidney problems, can cause poor skin and coat condition.  So if there are any symptoms besides dandruff, like increase or loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy or hyperactivity, he should see a vet.