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Hello !
About 2 years ago I adopted a most beautiful cat from the Humane Society.
I live with my folks.  The cat is most affectionate with me and I can truly sense her love but she is cold and standoffish towards my folks which has them most disappointed as they do happen to like her.
She is a lovely cat -- I am attaching her photo - and I would NOT want to break her heart and return her to the Humane Society.
Is there anything which can be done to make her a friendlier cat towards my folks ?
Thanks !


It sounds to me as though you have a special relationship with Creampuff... To be honest she may never be quite as affectionate with your folks as she is with you, but you can help her warm up to them by having them help in fun aspects of her life such as playtime, treat time and meal time.... If your folks consistently help in those aspects of her life she should come around and be friendlier towards them - since she already has a wonderful bond with you it's best to back off just a little and allow your folks that special role in her care. This will not be a short term project and I am sincerely hoping that you won't relinquish her to the shelter - after all it doesn't sound like she's aggressive with your folks, it sounds like she's slightly standoffish with them and as an adult cat the odds are fairly good that she wouldn't get another chance at a good home and a family of her own... If you have any further questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me again at any time - I'm more than happy to help in any way that I can.

Kind regards,
