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my cat
Hi, i was wondering if you could help me. I have a 1 1/2 neutured male cat who when it rains he meows loudly and constanly and goes crazy passing up and down the house and doesnt stop intill we let him out into the rain. i do have to point out that he's not a pure breed but he does looks exactly like a manecoon (he is quite large, has long fur and has fur coming out of his ears.) His mother could off mated with a mancoon but i don't know.
I just wanted to know if you knew why he does this?


Yes, he sure does look like a MAine Coon, which is rather surprising for New Zealand.  However, I have no idea why he seems to have a rain fetish.  It is not a behavior I have ever heard of before. I would enjoy his idiosyncracy.

Best regards... Norm.