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Nuetered Male Behavior


I have two male brother cats that are 2ys old.  We rescued them when they were babies (eyes barely opened) bottle fed them and they have never had any health issues.  They were both neutered when they were  approximately10 months old but not declawed.  They "play fight" every day but never seem angry.  Last night the "alpha" male mounted his brother and was making strange sounds. (Similar to sound I would hear when I lived on a ranch with outdoor cats)  I clapped my hands and he walked not ran away.  He seems very frustrated.  Is this something that requires a vet?  Or is he just going through "changes"?


I think that your "alpha" male is just showing the more submissive cat that he is dominant. If you would prefer that he is more civil towards his brother you can squirt him with a spray bottle (like the type used for misting plants) or a water pistol. Since you have seen this behavior it may be wise to check both cats daily very thoroughly for any wounds that may develop into abcesses. I would suggest if you find any indications of bite wounds or scratches that break the skin you consult your vet because these types of injuries can become quite serious if not treated. Hopefully that answers your question. Please feel free to contact me again with further questions or concerns.