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Skiddish Kitten



Tonight I just adopted a new kitten from a woman who said her Father had found her and two others in a box abandoned. She seemed really sweet with the woman and she was holding her when she gave her over to me, and she was cuddly with me in the car ride home. When I got home I placed her on the floor to go and explore. I showed her her litter box which she used and fed her. The problem that I am now having is that she now wont let me pick her up or pet her. She runs away from me. I have her in my bedroom right now so she can get used to me and she seems to be confused and looking for something. She mews a lot. I really want her to be a social cat and not afraid of people but I also don't want to push her....any advice?

Hi Michelle,

Right now she is afraid and is lost. She misses her littermates too. You need to give her some time. Get some deli chicken and use this to make friends with her. Talk to her quietly. When you pick her up and she wants down don't hold her. She needs to trust you. Put her down while still petting her and talking gently. It will take a little time but she will get over her fear and begin to bond with you. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen