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cat care after having birth


hi, my cat snuf had 4 lovely kittens yesterday, all seems to be healthy and feeding well, so is snuf, but she hasnt been to the toilet yet, any ideas how long it should take for her to go to the loo? and her vagina looks red and swollen but she has just had 4 kittens so is this normal? she doesnt seem to be in any distress and there is no discharge or bleeding.


Yes, all is normal. Your cat will hang close to the kittens for a couple of days and then venture to her litter box and food dish.  You may want to see the vet for a post natal visit and an oxytocin shot. This latter will help shrink and condition the uterus and help with milk production.  Also, if there is anything left inside, this will get it out.  It is not unusual for a queen who has just given birth to have some vaginal hemorrhaging.

Please let me know if you have further questions.

Best regards... Norm.