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Drop Dead Cat


Have you ever heard of a cat just dropping dead?  I've had 7 cats in my lifetime,
and except for one runaway (I'll never let a cat outside again), all of my cats
have live to ripe old ages.  I've had cats get sick and have to be put down, but
just recently I lost a cat in my home right before my eyes.  Have you ever heard
of such a thing?

Hi Joyce,

I'm so sorry about your cat, its hard enough losing one you know is sick and suffering, its devastating when they go so quickly and without warning.  This is rare but it does happen, cats can have heart attacks just like people. In fact some breeds, like Bengals, can have a genetic predisposition to heart problems.  We had a healthy Bengal at the rescue who did exactly what yours did, died right in front of us with no warning.  He wasn't old,either, but we later learned that Bengals can have this congenital heart problem that can only be detected with medical tests.  Even if it isn't breed specific some cats can just have weak hearts.  I suspect this was the case with your cat and there's nothing you could have done.
I'm glad to hear you say that you keep your cats inside.  Some people are so cavalier--"oh, the coyotes got our last cat" and such.  The reason I do rescue is because so many people let their cats run loose and its nice to hear from someone who loves their cats enough to keep them inside.
Again, I'm sorry for your loss.  I hope when you're ready you'll give another kitty a good home.